Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Activity 6: Acids and Bases

1.       Complete the Teaching Idea “Concept Questions for Chemistry using PhET” posted by Trish Loeblein on the pH Scale simulation. On your blog post the answers with your scientific explanations from the “Clicker Questions pH Scale” posted by Trish.

1.       The color of a solution identifies if it is an acid, base, or neutral solution. True or False

o False: pH determines if it is a base, acid, or neutral.

2.       Which solution is basic?

o D. More than one which is both B & C. Both are above a pH of 7

3.       Which Solution is acidic?

o C. High Level of H30+ shows that it is acidic

4.       Which solution is basic?

o B. the pH = 13-

5.       Which solution is acidic?

o D. More than one which is both A&B

6.       How will adding water affect the pH?

o A. Increase the pH

7.       How will equal amount of water affect the pH?

o B. Decrease the pH

8.       What is the order from most acidic to most basic?

o A. ABC lower the pH higher acidity, higher pH more basic

9.       What is the order from the most acidic to most basic?

o C. BAC lower the pH, higher acidity

10.   If spit has a pH=7.4 what does that tell you about the water equilibrium?

o A. Something was added that made the equilibrium shift left

2.       Complete the Teaching Idea “Intro to Strong and Weak Acids and Bases” posted by Chris Bires on the Acid-Base Solutions simulation and post on your blog your data and answers to the questions posed.


  1. I really like the layout of this activity. It is very simple and the bullet points make it very easy to distinguish between the question and the answer. Another thing I like is that your explanations are simple, but answer the question. I don't see the point in making things harder than they actually are and stressing over it, which is why I like the way you explained your answers.

  2. I would have to agree, the bullet points were a great indicator of what the answer was. In blogs like these it is really easy for the answer to get lost in all of the other sentences and questions. Having a clear view of what the answer is really helps people learn what they are supposed to. Great job on this post, it was put together very nicely!

  3. again, well done on this post.
